DJ, Author at Poke News Now Pokemon News and Podcast Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:40:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DJ, Author at Poke News Now 32 32 All about the Original Pokemon Starters Fri, 29 Mar 2024 13:39:10 +0000 Exploring the Legendary Trio: The Original Pokémon Starters Pokémon, the beloved franchise that captured the hearts of millions around the globe, began its journey with a trio of iconic creatures: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. These three starters, each with their unique abilities and characteristics, set the foundation for generations of Pokémon trainers to come. Wether […]

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Exploring the Legendary Trio: The Original Pokémon Starters

Pokémon, the beloved franchise that captured the hearts of millions around the globe, began its journey with a trio of iconic creatures: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. These three starters, each with their unique abilities and characteristics, set the foundation for generations of Pokémon trainers to come.

Wether you played Pokemon Red, Blue, or Green, you’ve had a chance to make the most important decision of your career as a Pokemon Trainer. Let’s delve into the origins and starting stats of these legendary Pokémon.

Bulbasaur (Pokédex Number: #001)

Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon, is a grass/poison-type creature known for the plant bulb on its back, which grows as it evolves. This little reptilian friend is a popular choice among trainers for its balanced stats and versatility in battles.

Starting Stats:

  • HP (Hit Points): 45
  • Attack: 49
  • Defense: 49
  • Special Attack: 65
  • Special Defense: 65
  • Speed: 45

With a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities, Bulbasaur proves to be a reliable companion throughout a trainer’s journey.

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Charmander (Pokédex Number: #004)

Charmander, the Lizard Pokémon, is a fire-type creature with a flame burning on the tip of its tail. As one of the original starters, Charmander has captured the imagination of fans with its fiery spirit and determination.

Starting Stats:

  • HP: 39
  • Attack: 52
  • Defense: 43
  • Special Attack: 60
  • Special Defense: 50
  • Speed: 65

While Charmander may start off a bit fragile, its impressive speed and offensive capabilities make it a force to be reckoned with once it evolves into the powerful Charizard.

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Squirtle (Pokédex Number: #007)

Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon, is a water-type creature with a shell that serves as both protection and a hydro pump. Known for its playful nature and mischievous antics, Squirtle has won the hearts of trainers worldwide.

Starting Stats:

  • HP: 44
  • Attack: 48
  • Defense: 65
  • Special Attack: 50
  • Special Defense: 64
  • Speed: 43

With its high defense and well-rounded stats, Squirtle excels in endurance battles and proves to be a reliable companion in tough situations.

Which original pokemon starter did you choose?

These original Pokémon starters not only laid the foundation for the franchise but also became beloved icons in their own right. Whether you choose the grass/poison-type Bulbasaur, the fire-type Charmander, or the water-type Squirtle, each starter offers a unique journey filled with adventure, friendship, and countless battles. So, which starter will you choose to begin your Pokémon journey? The choice is yours, and the adventure awaits!

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How to Choose a Starter Pokemon Fri, 12 May 2023 15:45:10 +0000 How do you choose a starter Pokemon? Pokémon is a beloved franchise that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for over two decades. One of the most important decisions that a Pokémon trainer has to make is choosing their first starter. This decision can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience, as […]

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How do you choose a starter Pokemon?

Pokémon is a beloved franchise that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for over two decades. One of the most important decisions that a Pokémon trainer has to make is choosing their first starter. This decision can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience, as your starter Pokémon will accompany you throughout your journey. In this article, we will discuss some tips and factors to consider when choosing your first starter in Pokémon.

Choose based on personal preference

The first and most important factor to consider when choosing your starter Pokémon is personal preference. You should choose a Pokémon that appeals to you aesthetically and emotionally. After all, you will be spending a lot of time with your starter Pokémon, so it is important to choose one that you will enjoy having by your side.

Consider the Pokemon type advantage

In Pokémon battles, each Pokémon has a type that determines its strengths and weaknesses. For example, fire-type Pokémon are strong against grass, ice, bug, and steel-type Pokémon, but weak against water, ground, and rock-type Pokémon. Before choosing your starter Pokémon, it is important to consider the type advantages and disadvantages. If you are new to the game, it is recommended to choose a Pokémon with a type advantage over the first gym leader’s Pokémon.

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Research Pokemon stats and moves

Each Pokémon has different stats and moves that determine its battle prowess. It is important to research your potential starter Pokémon’s stats and moves before choosing them. For example, some Pokémon have high attack stats, while others have high defense stats. Some Pokémon have moves that inflict status conditions, while others have moves that deal direct damage. Understanding these differences will help you choose a Pokémon that suits your playstyle.

Consider the evolution line of every starter Pokemon

Your starter Pokémon will eventually evolve into stronger forms, and it is important to consider the evolution line when choosing your starter. Some Pokémon have multiple evolutionary paths, while others have only one. Some Pokémon evolve early, while others take longer to evolve. It is important to choose a Pokémon with an evolution line that appeals to you aesthetically and strategically.

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Keep in mind the game’s region and storyline

Each Pokémon game takes place in a different region, and the storyline varies from game to game. It is important to consider the region and storyline when choosing your starter Pokémon. For example, if the region is known for its water-type Pokémon, it may be wise to choose a grass or electric-type starter. Similarly, if the storyline involves a particular type of villainous team, it may be wise to choose a Pokémon with a type advantage over their Pokémon.

Choosing your first starter Pokémon is an important decision that can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience. By considering personal preference, type advantage, stats and moves, evolution line, and region and storyline, you can make an informed decision that will help you become a successful Pokémon trainer. Remember to have fun and enjoy your journey with your starter Pokémon!

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Learn how to play Pokemon Cards aka. Pokemon TCG Wed, 10 May 2023 14:58:16 +0000 How to Play Pokemon TCG If you’re a fan of the Pokémon franchise, you may have already tried playing the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG). The game is a fun and strategic way to engage with the beloved characters and creatures from the Pokémon universe. However, if you’re new to the game, getting started can […]

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How to Play Pokemon TCG

If you’re a fan of the Pokémon franchise, you may have already tried playing the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG). The game is a fun and strategic way to engage with the beloved characters and creatures from the Pokémon universe. However, if you’re new to the game, getting started can be a bit intimidating. Here’s a guide to help you learn the basics of playing the Pokémon TCG.

Start by Getting a Premade Deck

The first step in learning to play the Pokémon TCG is to get a deck. There are many different types of decks available, but a good place to start is with a pre-built deck. These decks are specifically designed for new players and will come with everything you need to get started, including a rulebook and game mat.

Learn the Basic Rules of the Game: See Below

The Pokémon TCG is a two-player game where each player has a deck of cards. The goal of the game is to defeat your opponent’s Pokémon by attacking them with your own Pokémon. The first player to knock out all of their opponent’s Pokémon wins the game.

Each player begins the game with a hand of seven cards. The player who goes first cannot attack their first turn but can play a basic Pokémon card from their hand onto the field. From there, players take turns playing cards, attacking with their Pokémon, and using Trainer cards to support their Pokémon or disrupt their opponent’s strategy. The main thing with any Trading Card Game is to read the cards. They usually tell you what they do. If you have any questions about a specific card, a quick internet search can help.

Master the Pokemon TCG Types and Elements

In the Pokémon TCG, each Pokémon belongs to a certain type (such as Fire, Water, or Grass), which determines its strengths and weaknesses. For example, a Water-type Pokémon is strong against Fire-type Pokémon but weak against Grass-type Pokémon.

In addition to types, Pokémon in the TCG also have elemental attributes, such as Lightning, Psychic, and Fighting. These elements can influence the types of attacks that the Pokémon can use.

It’s essential to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different types and elements to develop effective strategies and choose the best Pokémon for your deck.

Learn the Different Pokemon Card Types

The Pokémon TCG has several different types of cards, including Pokémon cards, Energy cards, Trainer cards, and Stadium cards.

Pokémon cards are the heart of the game and represent the creatures you’ll be battling with. Energy cards are used to power your Pokémon’s attacks. Trainer cards provide support and allow you to perform special actions during the game. Stadium cards modify the game’s rules and can affect the behavior of certain Pokémon.

Build Your Own Pokemon TCG Deck

Once you’ve learned the basics of the game, it’s time to start building your own deck. This is where the real fun begins, as you can customize your deck with the Pokémon and cards you like best.

When building a deck, it’s important to consider the balance of types and elements, as well as the strength of each Pokémon’s attacks and abilities. You’ll also want to include Trainer cards that can support your strategy and Energy cards that can power your attacks.

Practice, Play, and Compete with friends

The best way to get better at playing the Pokémon TCG is to practice regularly. You can play with friends, join local leagues or tournaments, or even play online.

Competing in tournaments is a great way to test your skills against other players and earn prizes. However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t win right away. Like any game, it takes time and practice to become a skilled player.

The Pokémon TCG is a fun and engaging game that’s easy to learn but challenging to master. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Pokémon TCG expert in no time.

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Pokémon Competitive Battling – Poke News Now Podcast Ep. 2 Thu, 03 Nov 2022 22:08:54 +0000 Listen to Ep.2 of the Poke News Now Podcast DJ and Josh discuss Pokémon Competitive Battling. We talk about Smogon Singles OU, Official VGC Doubles, and even Battle Spot Singles (BSS). Discover the world of competitive Pokemon with us as the journey continues. Advertisement: Hire the best AC Repair Near Me in Gainesville, FL! We […]

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Listen to Ep.2 of the Poke News Now Podcast

DJ and Josh discuss Pokémon Competitive Battling. We talk about Smogon Singles OU, Official VGC Doubles, and even Battle Spot Singles (BSS). Discover the world of competitive Pokemon with us as the journey continues.

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We hope you enjoyed our Pokemon Podcast Episode on Competitive Battling. Be sure to check out our blog for more fun Pokemon Topics.

Thank you for listening to the Poke News Now Podcast. You can also watch us on YouTube!

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A New Pokemon Podcast Adventure – Poke News Podcast Ep.1 Thu, 03 Nov 2022 22:05:58 +0000 Episode 1 of the Poke News Now Podcast Listen to the very first episode of the Poke News Now Podcast. We discuss our personal experience with Pokemon, how we became fans, our favorite things, and more. We even talk about the origins of Pokemon, and what inspired these great games. Thanks for listening and be […]

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Episode 1 of the Poke News Now Podcast

Listen to the very first episode of the Poke News Now Podcast. We discuss our personal experience with Pokemon, how we became fans, our favorite things, and more. We even talk about the origins of Pokemon, and what inspired these great games.

Thanks for listening and be sure to share the Poke News Now Podcast with a friend!

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Pokemon Unite Tips – Get Better at Pokémon Unite Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:58:33 +0000 8 Tips to make you better at Pokemon Unite Are you into Pokemon Unite? Check out our 8 tips on how to get better. Take your game to the next level and defeat the competition! Team Composition Pokémon Unite has in-game tips to help you pick a balanced team comp, but knowing your role goes […]

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8 Tips to make you better at Pokemon Unite

Are you into Pokemon Unite? Check out our 8 tips on how to get better. Take your game to the next level and defeat the competition!

Team Composition

Pokémon Unite has in-game tips to help you pick a balanced team comp, but knowing your role goes beyond that. Understanding how to distract players, tank damage, assassinate enemies, score points, and defend comes down to knowing your purpose on a team. 

Certain Pokemon in Unite are better at dealing damage, and some are better at CC (aka. crowd control). Some characters are better at tanking (absorbing) damage, and others are better at preventing it. 

It’s best to play a variety of characters, learn what options are available, and then choose to specialize in what feels right to you. 

Another part of team composition in Pokémon Unite is understanding that you are on a team. Don’t go it alone. Work together to outsmart and outplay opponents.

Advanced Controls

This one seems pretty simple and straight forward, but you might be surprised at how many people do not realize that there are advanced control settings. These settings can change how targeting and aiming works. Setting up advanced controls can also help you easily select specific targets, like npcs or players.

Item Upgrades

Pokemon Unite has a plethora of upgradeable items to equip. Some items increase your critical chance, while others can even teleport you short distances. Be sure to read up on the different items available, and which items might be best for your favorite characters.

Use Jump Pads (and teleport)

Mid to late game unlocks Jump Pads in Pokemon Unite. You can use these pads to quickly jump back into the action. 

But did you know that you can also recall to base? Recalling will teleport you back to base, which comes in handy if used at the right times (aka. killing opponents, scoring, and then recalling).

Understand Drednaw, Zapdos, Rotom, and other NPC Pokémon

Knowing what each NPC Pokemon does, and which ones provide buffs makes a huge difference. Knowledge of the game and the map will increase your ability to make decisions and even shot call for your team. Communication is key to winning more challenging matches.

Know your Pokemon character

Knowing your specific character is very important. You should of course understand your characters moves and purpose, but you should also know your match ups. Who can you beat? Who counters you? How much damage can you deal? What can you survive? This sort of game knowledge only comes from playing and experimenting with your chosen Pokémon in Unite.

How to score goals in Pokémon Unite

I’m not talking about which button to press. You need to know when to score, and how to score optimally. Look for opportunities to over-score. Dunk more points than the minimum whenever possible, and don’t break an easy goal for no reason. 

Of course scoring and breaking goals can also provide vision, which leads me to our next tip.

Keep an eye on the Mini Map

Watching the map in Pokemon Unite is the single most important tip that everyone should know. The map will inform you of friendly and enemy player positions. It will show you available NPC’s, best paths to take, open lanes to score in, and so much more. Even understanding that no vision can provide information. Understanding where enemies are or are not; where they can be and where they cannot be. The map is a key tool in any MOBA, and especially in Pokemon Unite.

Thanks for reading our article on Pokemon Unite Tips. We hope that this advice brings your game to the next level. 

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