Poke News Now Podcast Ep.7

A Heist in the Pokémon World

In a surprising incident in Minnesota, two men are facing charges for stealing an astounding $147K worth of Pokémon merchandise from a Forest Lake store. This unexpected news has shaken the Pokémon community, reminding store owners and collectors alike to be vigilant about security. Read more about this incident here.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Unveils Instruction Manuals

In a nostalgic throwback to the days of physical instruction manuals, the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet & Violet games will include digital manuals. These guides aim to provide both newcomers and seasoned trainers with valuable insights into the new game’s features, mechanics, and Pokémon. Find out more about this feature here.

Pokémon Unite Welcomes Leafeon, Umbreon, and Inteleon

In an exciting update, Pokémon Unite is set to welcome Leafeon, Umbreon, and Inteleon into its roster of characters. The addition of these fan-favorite Pokémon is sure to shake up gameplay and provide new strategic options for players. Learn more about these new characters here.

Upcoming Pokémon Ultimate Journeys Episodes on Netflix

Fans of the animated series can rejoice as new episodes of Pokémon Ultimate Journeys: The Series are coming soon to Netflix in the US. This continuation of Ash Ketchum’s adventures is eagerly anticipated by fans, promising new challenges, new friends, and lots of exciting Pokémon battles. Discover more about the upcoming episodes here.

Spotlight on Bulbasaur

Lastly, let’s put the spotlight on Bulbasaur, the Seed Pokémon. Known for the plant bulb on its back that grows as it evolves, Bulbasaur has remained a beloved classic since its introduction in the first generation of Pokémon games. Learn more about Bulbasaur here.

Stay tuned to Poke News Now for all the latest updates from the world of Pokémon!

